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Recommended books for my library

The most important part of a library is the books you fill it with

There are millions of books out there and searching the internet and bookshops to find the next best title for your collection can be time-consuming. What if someone could tell you exactly what to read based on books you’ve enjoyed or help you strategically discover books perfect for your library?

Book Curate offers to customise your reading experience with tailored book recommendations to start building the library that reflects your personal interests and reading habits. 

This is a recommendation-only service and the books are not included but we’ll tell you best places to purchase them from online to independent booksellers.

How does it work?

Step 1:

Tell us about your reading preference and what type of books you’re looking for when you make your purchase

Step 2:

Our expert librarian will analyse your reading habits to curate the perfect list of books for your collection

Step 3:

Within 48 hours, we’ll email your report of tailored book recommendations and where you can buy them
Get expertly curated book recommendations to fill your 
library collection
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